Directed and choreographed by Gustavo Gomes.   Performed by Clementine Herveux and Joao Pedro de Paula.   Filmed by Haris Ajrulahi.   Edited by Gustavo Gomes and Haris Ajlurahi.   Music by CIVIC GRACE.   Mentorship by Richard Siegal  Text by Gustavo
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Votary - Ornaments by Gustavo Gomes trailer
 Directed and choreographed by Gustavo Gomes.   Performed by Clementine Herveux and Joao Pedro de Paula.   Filmed by Haris Ajrulahi.   Edited by Gustavo Gomes and Haris Ajlurahi.   Music by CIVIC GRACE.   Mentorship by Richard Siegal  Text by Gustavo

Directed and choreographed by Gustavo Gomes.

Performed by Clementine Herveux and Joao Pedro de Paula.

Filmed by Haris Ajrulahi.

Edited by Gustavo Gomes and Haris Ajlurahi.


Mentorship by Richard Siegal

Text by Gustavo Gomes

Digital work by Pavel Cherniak

Management by Caroline Skibiski.

Assistance on site Corinna Hubber

Technician Stefan Pfeffer

Documentation by Marvin Wilson

Photography by Ken Werner

Duration: 60 minutes

Full evening performance created during the residency FORWARD provided by the VRHAM Festival and the ITZ Institut für Theatrale Zukunftsforschung Tübigen/ Zimmertheater.

Funded by the Kunststipedium NRW and VRHAM Festival Hamburg

Gustavo Gomes & Co. 2021

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