Performance-Installation by Gustavo Gomes & Co.
A two hours immersive theatre performance on the reflections of power and fascism in modern society.
Choreography and performance by Gustavo Gomes
Dramaturgy and presentation by Jan Deck
Scenography by Lena Crus
Composition and sound by Ulysse Zangs
Research and support by Caroline Brandão de Carvalho
Video: DeDa Production.
Photos: DeDa Productions and Maciej Rujinek
From the 23.11.2019 until the 25.11.2019 at the Ville Grundergeist, Frankfurt
Supported by the fundings of the Frankfurter Kulturamtes and the Ministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst Hessen. In Cooperation with VillaVie, der Villa Gründergeist (Bistum Limburg der Katholischen Kirche)